Fast Tracking the Development of the Banio Potash Project

Welcome to Millennial Potash

Millennial Potash is listed on the TSX-V: MLP | OTCQB: MLPNF | Frankfurt: X0D.  has a history of fast-tracking projects, led by the same board and management team that has built and successfully exited multiple resource companies including Millennial Lithium (TSXV: ML), Allana Potash (TSX: AAA), Potash One (TSX: KCL). 

The Company's flagship asset is the Banio Potash Project located in Gabon, West Africa, has all the right characteristics to become a significant producer of potash. A previously explored resource in a proven West Africa Potash bearing basin, stable mining and political jurisdiction of Gabon, camp and infrastructure already on site, the resource is amenable to low-cost solution mining method, proximity to the largest importing nations in the world of China, India, Brazil, and a management team with a strong track record of delivering a significant shareholder value.

Millennial is committed to using environmentally sustainable and responsible practices in its operations and has established partnerships with local communities to ensure that its projects have a positive impact on the surrounding area.

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